Common Foot Conditions

Common Foot Conditions


The bunion deformity is an extremely common problem which spans all age groups. The bunion deformity is a progressive problem which continues to worsen over time. Shoes and activity can aggravate this condition. If treated in the early stage, one can find temporary relief with pads and splints. Most of the time, surgery is necessary to restore the balance in the big toe joint. The recovery time can range anywhere from 4 to 6 weeks in a surgical shoe to 2 months in a cast or crutches. The earlier the bunion is evaluated by the podiatrist, the less likely that a long period of surgical recovery will be necessary.
Common causes of bunions include flat feet, being overweight, and various types of shoes and floor surfaces.


A hammertoe is a deformity of one or more of the lesser toes. There is a contracture of one or more of the toe joints resulting in a bump or red spot at the top or top outside of the toes. This can result in pain, especially with certain shoes. There are a variety of hammertoes which your podiatry physician can diagnosis and discuss treatment options. Sometimes surgery is necessary to address the problem.

Neuroma (pinched nerve)

A neuroma or "pinched nerve" is a condition whereby one of the nerves on the bottom of the feet near the ball of the foot becomes irritated and subsequently inflamed to the point of discomfort. Patients will sometimes feel a "clicking" or "snapping" on the ball of the foot. Additionally, burning and shooting pains into the toes have been described. Some of the common causes include excessive pronation, certain shoes, foot tape, and trauma.
How early the condition is diagnosed determines the success of non-surgical treatments. Surgery may sometimes be necessary to remove the nerve.


Tendonitis is inflammation of a tendon. There are many tendons in the foot, all of which can become inflamed. Tendonitis is typically an overuse problem. Additionally, lack of arch support contributes to some of the tendons becoming inflamed. Usually, rest, ice, and OTC anti-inflammatories will improve this condition. Sometimes more advanced treatments are necessary; these treatments will be suggested and supervised by your podiatric physician.

Ingrown Toenails

This problem affects all ages. Ingrown toenails can become inflamed and/or infected. Improper trimming, trauma, and tight shoes are some of the causes of this problem. Most of the time a minor surgical procedure can be performed in the office to remove a small piece of the toenail permanently. This is done under local anesthesia.
Toenail Fungus
Onychomycosis, or fungal nail infection, is a very common problem. The cause is usually fungus which lives in our environment, but less common causes of infections of the toenails include yeasts and/or molds. There are both topical medications and oral pills to take to treat the problem. A culture of the toenail may be necessary to determine the infecting organism in order that appropriate medication can be prescribed.
Tendonitis — Before and After of Ingrown Toenails in Marlborough, CT
Ingrown Toenails — Machine for Toenail Fungus  in Marlborough, CT
Toenails Fungus — Doctor Examine's Athletes Foot in Marlborough, CT


Warts are a very common problem, primarily among younger age groups. Warts are a viral skin growth that can be very painful. Over-the-counter wart medicine usually doesn't work due to the thickness of the warts. Your podiatric physician can treat this common problem in the office, typically without pain.

Athletes Foot

The term "athletes foot" is used to describe a skin fungal infection of the feet. This infection can occur between the toes or on the bottoms and sides of the feet. Over-the-counter antifungal medications can be an effective treatment of this problem. At other times, stronger prescription creams or gels are necessary to alleviate the problem. Pills are sometimes needed to treat severe and resistant cases. On occasion, a skin culture can be done to identify the infecting organism so appropriate medications can be used

Plantar Fasciitis (Heel Spur Syndrome)

Plantar fasciitis, also called heel spur syndrome, is a condition whereby the connective tissue support structure on the bottom of the foot, called the plantar fascia, becomes damaged and inflamed, resulting in pain, particularly in the morning or upon arising after sitting down for a while. The discomfort will usually ease after a few steps and may return at the end of the day or night. The condition may or may not include a heel (bone) spur. The heel spur, if present, does not cause the pain.

Common causes include obesity, flat feet, trauma, lack of support in the arches, and overuse. This condition is treated non-surgically in an extremely high percentage of patients. The non-surgical treatments include OTC anti-inflammatories, arch supports, ice, rest, and stretching. In some cases, cortisone shots and/or physical therapy is necessary. In resistant cases whereby surgery is necessary (less than 10%), the plantar fascia can be released by utilizing an endoscopic approach. It is important to note that the bone spur does not have to be removed surgically in order for the patient to improve.
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